RFK Jr. Senate Confirmation

As of Thursday, RFK Jr. has been officially confirmed as the US Secretary of Health and Human services. This position has him overseeing the Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, etc. 

No changes will be made to the game except for changing the title of the itch page to reflect his new position.

This news is upsetting for me as I'm sure it is for others. I fear for my safety and future under this current administration.  I do not want my health in the hands of a man who claims poppers cause AIDS. A man who believes chemical exposure is responsible for someone's gender identity and questions the validity of vaccines. But it has happened. 

There is nothing left to do but continue moving forward and pushing for change.

Remember to make your voice heard and contact your elected officials  : )


- Caitlin (cdertrees)

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